As the school year begins for our students, whether they are attending virtually or in person, it’s time to start thinking about college. It can be difficult for a student to know how they will pay for school, and PMYF is here to help. Since its beginning, the PMYF has been able to offer scholarships for our young adults connected to the Masonic fraternity, whether that be through family relations or by being a member of a Masonic Youth group.
There are many scholarships available, which can all be found in our Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide. The M.S.R.G. provides information on nearly 70 scholarships, grants, and loan opportunities for Masons, their siblings, children, and grandchildren; members of the Masonic-related youth groups; Acacia Fraternity members; and residents or graduates of the Pennsylvania Masonic Children’s Home. Most of these additional scholarship opportunities require the submission of a separate application, and all of the requirements and application details are included in the guide.
The Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide for the 2021 program, and the 2021 PMYF scholarship application, will be available in September at or by contacting the PA Masonic Youth Foundation at 800-266-8424 X2 or Assistant to the Executive Director Dave Berry at Start planning now to decide what scholarships fit your needs.