Board of Managers
Glen R. Grell, Chairman
Glen R. Grell, Chairman, retired as the executive director of the Public School Employee Retirement System (PSERS). He is a former member of the PA State House of Representatives and an attorney. He is a Senior DeMolay, a former advisor of Carlisle Chapter and a Past Master of St. John’s Lodge No. 260.
Paul J. Roup
Paul J. Roup is the R.W. Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of PA. He is a Past Master of Plum Creek Lodge No. 799 and a warrant member of Lodge Ad Lucem No. 812, both of Pittsburgh. He served as District Deputy Grand Master of District 54 from 2007-2016. He is an Honorary Member of the DeMolay Legion of Honor.
George W. Polnar
George W. Polnar is the chief of police in Springdale, PA. He has been a proud supporter of the PA Masonic Youth Groups for many years. He is a Past Master of Valley Lodge No. 613 and an Aide to the Grand Master.
Dennis J. Snedden
Dennis J. Snedden is an active adult leader in both the Rainbow and DeMolay programs. He is a time management trainer. A member of Centennial Lodge No. 544, he received the HODEGOS Award in 2014.
Rodney E. Boyce, Vice Chairman
Rick S. Freedman
Rick S. Freedman is a Past Master of Williamson Corinthian Lodge No. 368. He is an active member of DeMolay International and a dedicated advisor for Pennsylvania DeMolay. He is a Cherry Hill, NJ, resident and vice president of MRS BPO, LLC. He received the HODEGOS Award in 2007.
David L. Moore
David L. Moore is a member of Beallsville Lodge No. 237. He is a Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 29th Masonic District, serving in that position until 2019. He is a registered nurse.
B. Tyler Moyer
Tyler is the Chapter Advisor of Pilgrim Chapter in Harrisburg, where he was a member in his youth. He is a past State Master Councilor of Pennsylvania DeMolay, a Past International Master Councilor of the DeMolay International Congress and currently Co-Director of Membership for Pennsylvania DeMolay. A Representative DeMolay and Chevalier, in 2020, he was presented with the DeMolay International Grand Cross for his outstanding service to DeMolay. A member of Brownstone Lodge No. 666, Hershey, he works as an Operations Supervisor with DHL Supply Chain.
Zachary E.W. Boyer
Zachary E.W. Boyer is the owner/operator of Markle Security Systems and is a two-time Past Master of Mt. Olivet Lodge No. 704 in Lebanon, PA. He served for two years as Jurisdictional Associate Guardian for Pennsylvania Job’s Daughters and is active with Bethel No. 12 that meets in Gettysburg where his wife is a Past Bethel Guardian and his daughter is an active member. He is active in many Masonic Bodies and serves as Secretary of the Valley of Lancaster, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Kristin Misko
Kristin Misko is a trained educator working as the Lead Teacher for the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation and is a Past Royal Matron of Sarah E. Collins Court No. 86 Order of the Amaranth. She is an Advisor for Northeast Chapter, Order of DeMolay, where her four sons are members, and an Advisor for the Philadelphia Assembly No. 47, Order of Rainbow for Girls where her daughter is a member. She has volunteered with many local youth groups, including service as a two-time Cub Scout Leader, a position she still holds.
Grace E. Medley
Grace E. Medley works as an Interviewer Training and Survey Operations Team Lead on the National Health Interview Survey and is a member of Corinth Chapter No. 229 of the Order of Eastern Star and Corinthian Court No. 35 of the Order of the Amaranth. She is a Past Worthy Advisor for Pitcairn Assembly of Rainbow for Girls and served as Grand Hope for Pennsylvania Rainbow. She has been the Acting State Mother Advisor for Pennsylvania Rainbow since 2010, receiving the HODEGOS Award in 2024.
Kenneth B. Shinn
Kenneth B. Shinn is the owner of KenBShinn LLC Home Automation and IT Solutions and is a Past Master and current Worshipful Master of Houseman Lodge No. 211. He is an Advisory Board Member for Philadelphia Assembly No. 47, Order of Rainbow for Girls and has been a trendsetting PMYF Youth Representative for the 8th Masonic District. He is also the Lead VMWare Engineer for Amerihealth Caritas and serves as a Region 1 and District D IT Specialist for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.