The HODEGOS Award was created by the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation to recognize adult volunteer leaders for truly outstanding service to our Masonic youth. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania values the Masonic youth programs and wishes to recognize exemplary volunteer leaders who help to promote awareness of its extensive support of Masonic youth. The term “Hodegos” is a Greek word that can be translated to mean “a leader, a guide, an instructor of the inexperienced.”

It is recommended that the candidate be registered as an adult leader with one or more of our Masonic youth groups. While the award is designed with the specific goal of recognizing Master Masons who have given outstanding service to the Masonic youth groups, the candidate does not need to have a Masonic affiliation. A minimum of seven years of service to a Masonic youth group is required. The seven years need not be concurrent and may be cumulative. Simply put, the candidate qualifies for nomination if he or she is deemed worthy of this recognition by the recommenders.

It is intended all nominations be submitted in secret. Since only two awards are granted per youth group per year, most nominees will not receive this award, and thus it is expected that those who are submitting the nomination will be sensitive to the feelings of the individual they are championing by holding all information as a closely guarded and important secret. No individual may nominate himself or herself or request his or her own nomination for the award.