Eastern Legion of Honor Conferral (DeMolay)
2V9A7166Pennsylvania DeMolay will hold a public ceremony of the highest honor DeMolay International confers upon Senior DeMolay’s or Master Mason’s for years of outstanding adult leadership, service and accomplishment in their communities.
Bullying Workshop – Virtual
DeMolayLoneliness, Relationships & Youth Mental Health
MEGC Holy Royal Arch Convocation (KOP)
Board of DirectorsVisitation/Lunch
MRGC Heorines of Jericho (KOP)
Board of DirectorsVisitation
Western Legion of Honor Conferral (DeMolay)
DennisSneddenPennsylvania DeMolay will hold a public ceremony of the highest honor DeMolay International confers upon Senior DeMolay’s or Master Mason’s for years of outstanding adult leadership, service and accomplishment in their communities.
Bullying Workshop – Virtual
DeMolaySocial Media & the Teenage Brain
Rainbow Grand Cross of Color Region C and D (Rainbow)
Volunteer PositionsHighest Honor Rainbow Confers for Service
Parent’s Day (KOP)
youngerchildren programsObligatory Day
Western PA Rainbow Initiation (Rainbow)
ScoutsInduction of New Members
Bullying Workshop
Our MissionThe State of Youth Mental Health
Bullying Workshop – Virtual
IU-10 Central Intermediate Unit 60 Decibel Road, Suite 107, State College, PA, United StatesDigital Health for Youth