Bullying Workshop

Masonic Conference Center - Patton Campus 1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA, United States

Cyberbullying: Impact & Intervention

Understanding the Challenges and Social Issues of Today’s Youth

Masonic Conference Center - Patton Campus 1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA, United States

In a recent Pew Research Center survey, 7 out of 10 teens say anxiety and depression are major problems they and their peers are facing. Their involvement with technology and social media often amplifies those challenges. Other pressing concerns are substance use (particularly marijuana), bullying, harassment and personal safety, as well as loneliness and a

How to Foster Resilience and Grit in Teens and Children

MCIU (Montgomery County Imtermediate Unit) MCIU (Montgomery County Imtermediate Unit), Norristown, PA, United States

The risk factors of trauma and adverse childhood experiences can be mitigated by the protective factors that build resilience and develop grit in children and youth. Resilience can help youth with transitions in life, the challenges of relationships, problem-solving and realistic goal setting. Resilience is directly related to well-being. During the workshop, we will:   Examine

Turning the Tide Against a Sea of Mean

BHTEN (Behavioral Health Training & Education Network) Riverview Place, 520 Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Both boys and girls engage in bullying, and researchers continually examine the role of gender in bullying behavior. While gender can impact how students bully, there are many other influences that impact the behavior of our youth. Kids are overwhelmed with negative and harmful influences that create the “sea of mean” many of them live

This is Your Brain on Social Media

IU-10 Central Intermediate Unit 60 Decibel Road, Suite 107, State College, PA, United States

Adults spend an average of three to four hours per day on their screens, while youth spend an average of seven. Children are getting smartphones earlier than ever  ̶  53% of kids have one by age 11, and 71% by age 12. While devices themselves are not addictive, the social connections they give us are

Understanding the Cycle of Bullying and Trauma

Masonic Conference Center - Patton Campus 1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA, United States

The Centers for Disease Control cited bullying as a widespread public health issue, and in many instances, shares a relationship with trauma, albeit a complex one. Being bullied can significantly impact the physical, emotional, social, academic and behavioral well-being of children and teens. Those who have been exposed to trauma and violence may be more

Youth Mental Health: Addressing the Challenges Ahead

MCIU (Montgomery County Imtermediate Unit) MCIU (Montgomery County Imtermediate Unit), Norristown, PA, United States

Half of all mental health issues surface by age 14, but many of those issues go unrecognized and untreated. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of children and adolescents experiencing major depressive episodes and anxiety, mood, attention and behavior disorders. One in five of our youth experience mental illness,

Cyber Bullying & Harassment: Impact on Mental Health

BHTEN (Behavioral Health Training & Education Network) Riverview Place, 520 Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The frequency, intensity and duration of cyberbullying and cyber harassment among youth pose a significant threat to their mental health and well-being. Youth who experience cyberbullying talk about the significant impact it has had on their lives, including their relationships with peers, feelings of safety and security and concerns with their health. This workshop will: 

Addressing the Crisis of Youth Mental Health

IU-10 Central Intermediate Unit 60 Decibel Road, Suite 107, State College, PA, United States

In December 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, issued, “A Surgeon General's Advisory on Protecting Youth Mental Health.” The Advisory brought attention to the significant mental health issues experienced by our youth, further impacted by the pandemic. In 2019, 16% of youth ages 12 - 17 reported experiencing a major depressive episode in

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